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Jewelry Appraisal: what is it, cost & how its done!

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Jewelry Appraisal: what is it, cost & how its done!

hey guys my name is Dominique flux I'm 
a custom jewelry designer and today I'm   very excited because we are going to be 
doing a deep dive on everything that you   need to know about appraisal so appraising 
your engagement ring appraising your jewelry   or gemstones and I have here today Louise 
van colen she is a certified FGA gemologist   and not only FGA she's also approved for 
appraisals which is very important we're   going to touch on in a second so thanks 
for watching and let's jump jump into it all right so we're going to start with the basics 
what is an appraisal what is evaluated when you're   doing an appraisal and kind of like why is it 
important okay so an appraisal is what I have   Jeweler and private customers coming to see me to 
do appraisal for jewelry it could be for jewelry   for loose Stone and indepraisal we have like 
a first portion to identify the gem so is it   a real diamond is it a natural stone and then 
we'll gonna have like to calculate the value of   it so this is the appraisal part the value and 
we can give like different value for a jewelry   it could be like a replacement value so this is 
the is value that we can have and it could also   be like the liquidation value so the lowest value 
so we work for let's say succession okay heirloom   so when you inherit like a piece of jewelry from 
your grandma or your mom what are we going to do   with it what's the value of it and I think it's 
also very important because like a lot of our   clients come to us for like let's say engagement 
rings first of all she'll be able to see what the   market value is which is very important but she's 
also going to be able to give you certification   so that you can insure it which is very important 
right for an engagement ring I think a lot of the   times most Jewelers by default will not insure the 
Center Stone that is for you to do it so in her   giving you the actual market value of it you're 
going to be able to take that to your insurance   and shirt for the full amount yes super important 
especially you know if that stone pops out they'll   be able to replace it for you like anytime you're 
buying something of a certain value you want to   have it appraised by a third party because they'll 
be able to verify that it is what it is just like   we're just talking about her being an appraisal 
certified gemologist would you like to touch on   the difference between that and so you can be so 
when you do when you are a gemologist it's like   you graduate from like a school that got to teach 
you how to identify gemstone when your demo just   you don't give any value you just like identify 
Stone so you can be graduated from FGA which is   a diploma like they give in London or you can 
be like a Gia student and you basically it's   come from all around the world and once you're 
a gemologist you can like take different field   and work like in more specific environments like 
I did with the appraisal when you are a certified   appraiser you're learning how to give price based 
on a project quality but also on the different   markets so let's say the market in Montreal won't 
be the same as the one in Paris and that brings   in a really good question because like for me for 
example all my clients are in the states so does   it matter if the appraisal is done in Montreal 
and then it's being shipped out it doesn't matters   because I mean when we look at the jewelry we 
have the knowledge of how the jewelry is made   and when we look at a stone no matter what stone 
it is all the the references books and prices   is list on those type of stone are in us okay so 
I mean the US is kind of the the U.S value for   the stone this is like the norm so that we do it 
in Montreal or in New York or in Paris it's going   to be like the same value and for the jewelry 
yeah it's the workmanship is the same which is   going to have to adapt the margin depending of 
the the country very cool very cool and talking   about let's say heirloom jewelry water or kind 
of like any jewelry what would you say are the   main key ingredients that you are evaluating well 
we'll have to take in consideration is there like   a jeweler a specific well-known Jeweler that did 
that jewelry because if it's an heirloom and the   Jeweler is well known let's say in Montreal back 
in the time we had like Lou Goldberg that was   doing like amazing jewelry piece today those pills 
they're just not gonna sell for the liquidation   value they're gonna go like an auction Market oh 
very nice so this we have to take in consideration   than the stone will it be stone that some Jeweler 
will buy today just for the stone so this is like   a little stuff that we have to look into when we 
do appraisal for uh heirloom it's usually much   more work than it's like for a regular solitaire 
diamond ring okay okay and it's a very hard to   identify who it came from like the authenticity 
or well it depends okay but we have like the marks   and it's in stamp in the ring this helps but also 
the making in general we can see if it's been done   with proper care or not for craftsmanship versus 
good craftsmanship 100 so I'd also like to touch   on the difference between let's say coming to you 
an appraiser or going to let's say like one of   these big Labs like Gia or what would you advise 
a client wow if you go to Gia they're not going   to give you an appraisal they're going to give you 
like a quality report yeah so if you have like a   if you inherit like a stone like a nice Sapphire 
let's say it was your grandma you know it might   come from Burma and it's untreated and so you 
know that just don't have a value you're going   to send it to Gia to know if it's really what 
you think it is and then when you have like   the quality report for that type of big lab you 
can send it to a independent appraiser or like   me to give it a value okay very interesting 
all right so for the second half of the video   we are actually going to do a deep dive and 
we're going to follow her while she actually   appraises so you can kind of see the in depth 
of all the steps that she does take because it   is quite of an extensive process evaluating 
gemstones so uh let's jump into it foreign so for example today we're going to show you how 
she evaluate this ring it is the finished piece   and it has Sapphires and rubies or it's actually 
diamond and rubies but this we're gonna have to   check because we cannot ask him this is rubies and 
Diamond we're gonna have to test so when I receive   a ring and do the appraisal of it I'll first 
gonna have to look into the metal and see if   we do like if we see any uh marking marks so let 
for example if we look at this ring we have like   a little stem that's setting a eagle head it means 
that 18 karat gold and it's come from Europe once   we look the type of gold that we have we're gonna 
wait it at a scale to know what's the the weight   of the Ring once we took all the information 
on the the goal the type of gold we're gonna   take all the measurements so because in case 
this ring is lost we're gonna have to redo it   exactly the same that's the like the the purpose 
of making an appraisal for replacement value is it   a domed ring is it like a tapered shank what type 
of stone that we have on it what type of setting   is it like green set is it like a channel set 
today one of the biggest problem of the industry   is the lab groom created Stone so it's man-made 
Stone especially on diamond that's pretty new   on the market and we see more and more those 
of those diamonds that are created so when I   see colorless Stone on a ring I will have to check 
if it's natural diamond or black grown Diamond so   first I'm gonna do like a first of the observation 
under the microscope this is like the gemological   instrument that we use the most we'll be able to 
see if there is like natural inclusion or labrum   inclusion so usually under the microscope we're 
gonna look for the identity of the stone but also   we're going to take some measurement we have like 
those timing little ruler that's gonna let us know   what's the let's say diameter of the Stone because 
when a stone is set into metal we cannot wait it   so based on Dimension we'll be able to estimate 
the weight of it and then let's say if I have 50   stone that measure two millimeters I'll be able to 
estimate that every stone weights one one third of   a carrot let's say so far so good everything looks 
natural the inclusions look natural but we're   gonna double check it the shallow comes diamond 
tester it's gonna test if you have like a natural   or lab grown Diamond so this it's a very easy to 
use a little uh tool that is a very expensive one   so we place the ring inside of the little drawer 
you can see the ring and because the stone are set   in Gold uh we're gonna put jewelry and it's gonna 
kind of look at the fluorescence of the stone and   compare it natural to labrum so depending on the 
color that we're going to observe we will be able   to to check so here this is really like a tester 
for diamonds so do not look at the Redstone who   are the the rubies so we'll look at all the little 
blue one and that's actually what we want to see   because a natural diamond will have like a blue 
reaction under this Sherlock Holmes uh tester so   all of the diamonds that you can see that are 
in the middle of this ring are a blue reaction   could be like a light blue a darker blue that's 
mean it's a natural stone for example if we had   like a lab grown Stone this this is the difference 
between natural diamond and all the red and yellow   diamonds they are lab grown so they don't have 
like the blue reaction that we are waiting for   like in a natural diamond so this machine you you 
saw how easy it was to use this is a live server   for today's market because we have like a lot of 
confusion and the price the value of lab grown   and natural diamond this is very big difference 
so then we're gonna do like some other tested to   check for the gemstone so we already looked at the 
Gold if it was not stamped I would have tested it   with acids so I would have found my little Stone 
like a mark of gold and then tested it with some   acid so let's say we have like the 18 carat if 
the the acid would have make it disappear the Gold   Line that I draw on my little stone that means 
that's it's a lower value of gold so here I'm   not gonna do it because it's stamped so we usually 
trust the stem that we have on the on the jewelry   but we're also gonna have to look at the Ruby or 
sapphire in this case it's a pink stone it could   be Ruby but it's a bit too much of a pink which 
we're gonna test and so it's probably more like   a pink sapphire than a ruby we're gonna check if 
it's um in this family of gemstone for that we're   gonna use like the refried Tomatoes after the the 
microscope this is the most useful tools that we   have so we're gonna take like a little drop of the 
um reference liquid I'm gonna put it up here and   we're gonna put our Stone on the little window 
that we have here and here we kind of have like   a scale of Shadows and we're gonna have a look 
at where the Shadows stop on the scale and it's   basically measuring how fast the light goes into 
the stone and every type of stone gonna have like   a different reading on this little scale so here 
we can see 1.77 which is mean it's a corundum   corundum it's the family of Ruby and Sapphire to 
say is it a ruby or is it a pink sapphire because   the price will be different we're gonna look into 
like a color scale and looking at how pink it is   you see there is different variation of pink so 
we're gonna look at the Brilliance of the stone   and try to find the brightest pink that we can 
have in this color and we're gonna try to match   it on our scale once we have the color will find 
the name for it and because we have let's say here   Vivid purplish red in the 7.5 RP tone 5 saturation 
14 we're gonna look like in our book of color and   it's gonna say to us is it Ruby or is it sapphire 
in this case we can say it's Ruby because it's   built it's the right color for Ruby so price will 
be different so once we assess all the let's say   the characteristic of the strings so we have 
like the metal quality the stone quality the   the amount of stone the Cara weight we're gonna 
calculate the value so for the diamond we mostly   use the Rapaport price list is used everywhere 
in the world in China in New York in Paris and   Montreal and we have like all the the price for 
small Stone so let's say here we have like two   carat of little Stone and we're gonna look like 
in those quality any color and what's the price   of the market of today's diamonds so it could 
be for small Stone it could be for fancy shed   Diamond bigger one smaller one we have like all 
this information it's kind of the Bible of the   gemologist for prices for color stone we based 
our information on the gem guide they also do   prices for Diamond they are like it's a very good 
effect to have both price list for the diamonds   in the wrap above and in the gym guide so we can 
compare different price lists but they are most   well known for their color prices list for the 
gemstone so let's say if we go in rubies because   that's what we have so the stone and this ring 
are so if we're gonna go corundum and Ruby we're   gonna look at the Quality so here the color was 
an excellent color we had like very few inclusion   and the weight is about like 30 points so 0.30 
carried each little Stone so we're gonna look like   in the weight wrench and the quality based on the 
color and the clarity and the cut and we'll figure   it out like a price per carat once we have the 
price and all the information that we mentioned   earlier will be able to assess the value of every 
different part of this ring that's the process of   appraising a jewel once it's done Shields she's 
going to send you a very nice kind of like format   like this so that you can keep it in your files um 
I think it's really pretty actually so it's kind   of cool you have like a full picture and like 
description of everything that's in it so these   generally range about like 150 dollars a little 
bit less if you're just doing a gemstone so yeah   reach out if you'd like to have one uh thanks for 
watching we do have a lot of short form content   on our Instagram if you ever prefer that kind 
of like shorter method and I just like to say   thank you for your time thank you and we'll see 
you next time my name is Dominique Flux bye guys foreign [Music]

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