The Professionals Share Their Jewelry Secrets In This Article

the professionals share their jewelry secrets in this article

Here are some suggestions on how to pick the right jewel for any type of woman.

Keep your whole jewelry collection sparkling with a polishing cloth. This is an easy way to get shine without chemicals and solvents. Polish your jewelry with a two-sided polishing cloth as you might buff a lovely glass. First use the polishing side, and finish with the other side to make it shine.

Pay attention to the types, white gold or yellow, and any other typical jewelry that they wear. These answers should give you a starting point for your shopping.

Try to avoid cleaning it with harsh chemicals like ammonia or turpentine. These chemicals can turn stones dull and even erode the enamel.

Always ask the jeweler about insurance policy options before buying anything. If your jewelry becomes damaged, you can come back to the store and have it repaired or replaced. You can even find insurance on jewelry pieces that were stolen or loss.

Take care to store your jewelry safely. Precious metals and certain gemstones will tarnish if they are exposed to humidity, so keep the away from this. Avoiding piling your nice jewelry pieces into one big heap in a box. This can damage the finer and more fragile pieces, and items like necklaces can entangle with each other and other pieces into a big mess.

This is especially helpful in caring for necklaces or earrings.

Be sure that you store all of your jewelry safely away from air and humidity. Store jewelry in a sealed box or drawstring pouch for the best protection. Air and humidity will make the metals in jewelry tarnish. Tarnish can be removed from precious metals like gold and silver, but they cannot be removed from other metals.

The right sale can save you a lot of money. Check ads in the newspaper, the Internet, and in stores for the best deals. If you purchase something on clearance, you can save a lot of money.

If you are looking to purchase sterling silver jewelry make sure that you have a magnet with you and a good eye. When you do this, you become able to find fake pieces of any type of sterling jewelry. You can use the magnet because non-precious metals actually are attracted by magnets. If your silver is sterling, you will also notice a mark on the piece. This mark might state .925, sterling, or ster. If you cannot find a stamp, you might be looking at a cheap imitation.

Have definite plans for the jewelry before you purchase. There is no need to purchase a box of unused jewelry. Think about the outfits you can wear the jewelry with when choosing different pieces.

You need to know the type of gem that you are purchasing. A stone may be natural, synthetic or imitation. Imitation is plastic that is colored to looked like the stone, but natural stones and synthetic stones are real. They make synthetic stones in a lab, whereas natural stones come from the ground.

A diamond’s cut and clarity are often times more important than its size. You must also consider the diamond to really suit the person that’s going to wear it.

Watch to see whether they usually wear necklaces or bracelets, or if they prefer dangly earrings to studs. This is a great place to start when picking out that special item.

Each diamond is different and has its own individual flaws. Some flaws are less noticeable than others and may not seem that critical to you when you see the diamond in person.

Know what is trendy before you buy a piece of jewelry. If you look around you may be able to find a great deal!

A good clasp is important to any necklace or bracelet. If your chains and pendants with costly gems do not have secure clasps, your gemstones are in constant jeopardy. You can get a safety clasp to secure expensive pieces of jewelry. Some opt for two or third clasp on their extremely valuable pieces of jewelry so that they stay safe during wear.

You should carefully consider how to best care for your jewelry. Various settings, types of metals, and gemstones need different types of care to protect them and make sure they get cleaned properly. A treatment that polishes one stone may scratch another stone. When in doubt about the right way to maintain your jewelry, just ask a professional jeweler.

Chlorine in pools will damage the luster and life of your pieces causing them to lose their luster. Salt water can be equally damaging over time too.Taking these off before getting in the water will protect their beauty and extend the life of the jewelry.

Keep all of your jewelry cleaner by putting it on only after you have applied all makeup and perfume. Dirt and oil accumulate in the small crevices of jewelry, and can make it look dull and shabby. It is especially important to follow this tip for necklaces and earrings.

You can keep your necklaces organized by length, then hang your necklaces in groups by color or length. This can make your bedroom look more stylish and keeps chains from tangling at the same time.

A diamond’s cut, as well as its clarity, are considerably more important than size in determining value and appeal. Also, keep in mind the personality of the person you are giving the diamond to.

Brand name should not be the only consideration when buying jewelry. There are several high quality jewelry pieces from various brands.

Using robe hooks will help to stop necklaces from becoming tangled. Try hanging the hooks on the wall in your bedroom or on the back of the door, then put all your necklaces on them in the fashion that works for you. Hanging your necklaces will keep them looking nice, keep them from becoming tangled together and can work as a beautiful display as well.

If you’re going to spend a good deal of money on a jewelry item, buy something that will last you for years. Quality and durability are usually givens when you spend big, but you should also carefully consider style and trends. Something that is cool and trendy now might not look so great several years from now. Look for something classic and trends.

Brand name should not be the primary concern when buying jewelry. Very few people will recognize where you got this piece, and if a seller can have you buy something because of the brand, you are probably paying too much for it. You can find excellent quality from many different brands.

The increasing cost of gold can be a hindrance to owning that piece you really desire. An 18 karat piece is comprised of no less than 75 percent of pure gold, which has been considered the best combination of price and quality.

You can make money from any gold bracelets and necklaces you have, without having to sell your entire pieces. Just clip off a few inches of excess and you can sell it while still actually keeping a full piece to wear. With real gold necklaces and bracelets, you can pull in hundreds by just clipping off parts that no one notices anyway.

Crystal or onyx jewelry can really stand out and make bold statements. You don’t have to waste money and finding great jewelry go hand in hand.

Onyx jewelry or crystal really stands out. Be friendlier with your wallet and you may just like the results.

Rubies have been a popular stones for jewelry and for good reason. While the rubies most are familiar with have deep red color, there are a myriad shades of red from vivid deep rose pinks to nearly maroon. Rubies are especially hardy and withstand considerable wear and tear. Their strength and unique beauty make them a great jewelry choice.

Remember to contrast finely detailed, ornate jewelry with a simple outfit. Instead of this, you should wear a classic black dress or some other solid clothing item that can clearly highlight your particular jewelry piece.

Always remain in the strict range of your budget when you are buying jewelry.A young couple may want to choose a cheaper ring and upgrade later. You can upgrade when finances are better or add a nice ring guard as an anniversary present.

It is very difficult to distinguish natural sapphires and rubies from artificial ones. The ones grown in a lab are exactly the same and cost way less. Before purchasing jewelry that is claimed to be natural sapphire, you should hire an expert gemologist to look over it for you.

If you want to wear a necklace from your childhood years without looking immature or old-fashioned, wear them layered with trendy, more modern necklaces to create a grouped look.

Alexandrite is a beautiful stone that is often overlooked for jewelry. The color changes range from green to purple, dependent on whether you are inside or out. You will most often see this stone used in earrings, rings, and ornate pendants.

If you are looking for diamond brilliance without the price tag, consider an illusion setting. Illusion settings have a small mirrored plate under your diamond. The diamond look bigger and more sparkly. The only problem with this way is that they can be difficult to fix.

Give your beloved a beautiful item of jewelry to express your love. Every woman loves a good surprise gift and a beautiful gift of jewelry – why not combine the two? You also get the added benefit of watching how that little box you hand her lights up her entire face and fills her eyes with tears of gratitude as she beams you a radiant smile.

Diamond shopping is an emotional endeavor.

If you want to use childhood jewelery, but are concerned about looking childish or old-fashioned, layer items with bigger, contemporary pieces for a modern effect. If you add a cross or heart pendant necklace to a grouping of others, it gives the entire grouping a lovely, personalized touch.

While there are better ways to clean your jewelry, it is a viable option when you are in a jam. Apply a small amount of toothpaste using a microfiber cloth. Rub the tarnished jewelry with the paste, and then use water to remove the paste from the piece of jewelry. It won’t be 100%, but it will look much better and less tarnished.

One way to get the most out a fairly modest diamond is to get an illusion setting for it. This setting has a mirrored plate upon the ring prior to the diamond being set. When the diamond is placed over the mirrored surface, it creates the illusion that it is larger than it really is. It might be harder to make any needed repairs to this style however.

Never clean jewelry at a sink without double-checking that you’ve plugged the drain is securely plugged. It is very common for people to lose expensive jewelry to fall out of your soapy hands. By placing a stop in the drain, you can prevent your jewelry from becoming stuck in the drainpipe or being washed away forever.

If the diamond wedding set you have always dreamed of is not currently within your reach, consider buying a smaller stone, then upgrading it later. A great way to do this is to make it an anniversary present later down the road. You can even sell back your ring to the store where you bought it, or trade it for a different one.

Don’t spring for the hype of fancy designer jewelry with someone’s name on it. While these retailers boast name recognition, this does not necessarily imply that their jewelry is of a finer quality than other less known brands. Look at the different jewelry from the expensive designers, and find similar styles from other brands and designers that are much more affordable.

When you’re cleaning your valuables over a sink, try to avoid dropping or losing them by plugging the drain ahead of time. It is extremely easy to lose your grip on a soapy piece of jewelry. By plugging the drain, you’ll prevent your jewelry from getting sucked up in it.

Any time you want to buy an extra special gift, jewelry is an obvious choice. Implement the tips you have just read to find the perfect piece of jewelry to satisfy any woman on any occasion.

When deciding on jewelry, choose a piece that will complement your outfit. Is your outfit or the jewelry making the statement, meaning is your jewelry going to be front and center, or is it going to be more subtle and in the background complementing the outfit?

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